The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Hello all from Kentucky where I am sitting at my desk barefoot and pregnant as I should be! :) Not a whole lot to update with, just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend. We had a productive week getting our nursery/guestroom in order so I think this week we get to buy baby furniture! yay! i can't wait to start putting it together. Only 10 more weeks! And actually I tell myself only 6 more weeks, because she could come anytime after that. I guess she could technically come anytime now, but I'm hoping she'll at least give us 6 more weeks.

i had my now bi-weekly doc visit this week and she basically told me the inevitable. i need to stop drinking regular pop and cut out the sweets if i don't want to have a huge baby. :( oh well, i knew it was only a matter of time. so i've been making myself enjoy diet pepsi. i know it will be worth the sacrifice, i just have a hard time letting it sink in my mind that drinking that mountain dew will give me a big baby, but it is true so buck up Michelle!

oh and speaking of nutricious food...yum..i miss dime a dog night at the the clippers. i could eat at least a dozen of ball park franks. that's the only way Ryan can get me to go to a game with him is to bribe me with a hotdog, nachos and coke. oh and some peanuts are usually thrown in there too. why does that stuff taste so good only at a ballpark? well i guess it tastes good anywhere, but especially good at a ballpark.

any new updates on the condo tracey and matt?

everyone have a great weekend whereever you are!
mmmmm i feel i must end with a quote since that seems to be the theme...mmmmm......oh here's one that i am liking lately from a sixpence song, it's a good one for you summer bums!

"i'm going no where and i'm going to take my time." -sixpence none the richer


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