The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Yesterday was full of disappointments for me, so I hope today is a better today. It started off mom came over and we went to lunch and did some shopping and we had a fun time. Then she came with us to the doctor appt. I needed to be at least one centimeter dialated for them to do their little trick and i hadn't progressed any further, so now I have to wait until Tuesday. She can still come before then, but I was bummed that we weren't able to help her along. But I know she'll come when she's ready.

But the worst part of the day came at Alpha that night. This Alpha has been one of the best ones and the people who are coming really have a hunger for the truth and are really seeking. Well there was supposed to be 7 more weeks of Alpha and Mark, the evangelism pastor who oversees Alpha and all of evangelism for Southland was informed yesterday morning, that him along with 18 other staff have been laid off and that last night is the last Alpha. So needless to say the news was not taken very good. We were just saying how smooth of a transition it has been with our new pastor and then this happens. There are still a lot of unanswered questions and it doesn't appear that it was handled very well, but I am still trying to give the church and our new pastor the benefit of the doubt. I know that their finances were really tight and that budgets were going to have to be cut, but to cut out the evangelism and missions department and to have to tell people at Alpha, um yea I know you have a lot of questions and are seeking God, but we just can't afford to reach out to you right now. It just seems absurd. But anyhoo, i'm venting and the shock of it all is still new to me. The good thing is that God is still in this. We have had 3 people accept Christ and be baptized just this Alpha alone and we usually don't see that happen so early, so God knew the sense of urgency and apparently a lot of the groups are agreeing to still meet even though there won't be free food or a talk. So that is awesome to hear and I hope they do come back and get their questions answered.

so anyhoo, this isn't a very cheerful blog and i apologize, but i just needed to vent. welp back to work for me. have a great weekend all!


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