The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hello everyone!

I have been a neglectful blogger as I see a lot of us have been. I guess it is the summer and we should be doing a lot more things than just sitting in front of our computer huh?

Let's see what has been happening this past week for me...
As Ryan's blog said, we had a fun time up in New Carlisle. I of course lost in Catan once again. I'm not sure why I continue to play this game, but it's addicting and someday my time will come! Of course we played 2 games with our friends Dan and Lisa last night and I lost both games as well. But at least Ryan only won once!

I believe I have mentioned before about my sister's obession with clay aiken, well it's only been fueled these past couple of weeks. Her and a friend drove up to Cleveland without any tickets just to try and get in the concert. Well they got to see the american idols get off the bus and jen made a pillow for clay and threw it at him and he smiled at her and waved. so of course it got the day started off just right for her. And then they ended up winning 8th row seats to the concert and jen made a sign for him which read "clay do you have an innie or an outie?" well clay read it at the concert and answered it and jen has it all on video. it was pretty cool to watch. well then she tried to get backstage tickets again and she talked to Jerome, clay's personal body guard. i guess he didn't have any, but he told her that if she goes to another show that her and anyone with her will get backstage passes. so of course her and friend headed off this past week to virginia, an 8 hour drive to go to another show. I have not got all the deatails yet, but apparently Jerome actually remembered Jen and personally took her and her friend back stage and she actually got to meet clay face to face and he signed her scrapbook. (yes she has made a scrap book of the life of clay :) ) i'm excited for her, because I know I would be going crazy if I were in her shoes. it's just funny to think about it. now if only we can get jen to show this much passion towards other things in life, i think she will be good to go. :) just teasing jen..i love ya!

This week has been a nice week, because I haven't worked a lot, but it's not because I was lazy like it usually is, it's because there wasn't a lot for me to do. So it was nice having a week to get other things done guilt free! On Tuesday I walked with Lisa for over an hour. I was very sore the next day! Then on Wednesday we had a baby shower at Ryan's work. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of cute outfits and some fun stuff too. We played this game where someone melted different chocolate bars and put them in baby diapers. You then had to pass them around and look at the diapers and try to guess which candy it was. It was so funny and so disgusting! Especially when people started tasting the chocolate. It really was the only way to tell, but it looked so nasty seeing people eat out of what looked like a poopy diaper! good laughs though. And then someone asked Ryan if he had ever changed a baby's diaper and he hasn't so they decided he needed to practice, so they busted out the cpr baby dummy and Ryan had to change the diaper. He was so cute holding that baby and not having a clue! But with a few hints from me, he did a good job for his first changing.

Today I had our weekly Alpha prayer meeting. I always look forward to those, because they always lift me up. Especially since I've been in a bit of a slump with spending quality time with God. And then the day got even better, because I treated myself to an hour pregnancy massage!! Since Ryan has been playing so much golf lately and not having to use his allowance somehow, he didn't hesitate to agree to let me get a massage. It was soooo nice!!!! And it even gets better than that!..... since i'm home during the days, the lady asked me if i would mind being a demo person for her class next week, so i get to have 2 free massages next week and possibly more in the future! is that awesome or what?!

Ryan actually called in sick today just to take the day off. He keeps saying he was going to do it, but he always chickened out. I was very proud of him. So I came home today to find him hanging out at the pool. And now he's napping, so I think it's been a nice, relaxing day for him which he needed.

Tonight I have to get all my stuff together for a yard sale we are having with friends. i don't expect to make a lot, but It will be so nice to get rid of some stuff.

well i guess that's all i have for now. oh i wanted to say great blog emily! you've had quite the eventful year. I loved that last part about the little girl Olivia!

Peace all!

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self control. Therefore do not be ashamed to testify of what God has done." ~paraphrase of Timothy somewhere..just a verse that has been speaking to me this week.


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