The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

I have new pictures of Hannah on my pic site. I hope you enjoy them. She's definitely a cutie if I do say so myself. Great job on the running girls! You are my inspiration! I'm going to start running again and my goal is the columbus marathon next october. maybe we'll all have to meet there!

have a great weekend everyone! Go Bucks!!!


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