The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I can't believe that tomorrow will be my last day as a resident of Lexington, KY! "It's the end of an era!!" (something for all your Friend's fans out there :) ) Since I have really only had a week to process this I have had to go through the mourning process pretty quickly and it's funny how I can really see myself phasing through each cycle. Last weekend I was so sad and was crying a lot, then the next couple of days I didn't think much about it, just kind of went through the motions in denial, and last night the anger hit me. It's all really based on selfish reasons so hopefully I get over it fast. But last night as Ryan and I were up working once again past midnight and exhausted, I was just mad that we are doing all this work to move into a shack in an ugly city with no neighbors and who knows how long we will be there. And then we get to turn around and do this again. And as I was sharing this with Ryan and telling him I was in the phase of not being excited to move, he was somewhat agreeing and saying that this is more of a sacrificial move. Well I know he meant well, but that did not help the bitterness! :) This morning as I was praying for God to give me joy and supernatural strength and energy today I was reminded of a comment I made, I think on my blog, where I said that it didn't matter what house you live in, but it's how you live in it that makes it a home. Man am I eating those words now! :) But actually after praying about it, I realized that I really do need this move, because that statement is very true and I really want to believe it. It really is just a house and that shouldn't stop us from creating memories and enjoying each other. And as my wise friend Carly has said before.."This will be a good story for the grandkids". :) Plus Ryan said that the money we will be saving can be used towards our Hawaii vacation for our 10th anniversary, so that's pretty good motivation too! I know that once I get to the acceptance phase then I will be good to go and I can do what I do best, improvise and organize!

Yesterday was actually a great day for running for me! And on a side note, I would just like to give a shout out to my friend Adderall! I may not have posted much about this and I will eventually, but I am taking this medication for adult ADD and it has been life changing and I know that if I was not on this then there is no way I would have been able to go and workout because I would have been too obessessed with packing. So anyhoo, I did my usual Wednesday 4-5 mile run on the track, which is crazy to think that I run 80 times around that thing, but I just got burned out on the treadmill and needed to do something else and when Ryan is gone, I can't run outside so you do what you gotta go. I am a pretty slow runner and since I do the run/walk thing my times are even slower. I usually run an average mile time of 12.5 - 13 minutes, but since the track is flat, I can usually run a little under a 12 minute average mile time. Well yesterday I ran/walked the first 4 miles with an average mile time of 11 minutes which was a good accomplishment at that, but then my runner's high kicked in and I wanted to see how fast I could run that last mile and I did in 9 minutes!!!! I love saying that...9 minutes!!! I have not run a 9 minute mile since high school. I wanted to puke, but I felt awesome and was totally praising God!! And then the icing on the cake was this sweet older man walked by me when I was cooling down and he took his head phones off and asked "how far did you run?" and I panted "5 miles" and he gave me the great job fist shake and said "Good for you!" :)

And then in the locker room I was listening to the elderly ladies talking as I often do because the conversations are always so amusing, but this lady gave a quote that I will remember for long time. She was telling this lady about how she is taking prednizone to start her treatment and wasn't very happy about it because it makes her hungry and gain weight, but then she shrugged her shoulders and said in such a matter of fact and almost positve tone, "But when you're dying you'll do anything the doctor tells you to do. If he said you need to stick raisons up your nose and wear a banana on your head then I would say, 'ok I'm heading to the market'". I just hope that if I am at the stage of life I can have that attitude!

Welp I better stop procrasinating and get some more packing done. Tonight I am going to starbucks with the girls, so I need to haul a today. It was very sweet of them to want to do this and I know I'll be a mess, but it will be a great way to end the week. It will be somewhat anti-climatic since I'll see them in 2 weeks for Olivia's party, but I can't wait.

Oh I do have one more thing....Hannah is being so sweet through this whole thing. Her and I are actually going through a lot of the same emotions which I think is helping her. She has 2 good friends at her school, Elise and utPallini and is always talking about them. Well last night she was getting sad again about leaving and said "But mommy...I want Elise to come to my 5 year birthday party...but when she comes here for the party she is going to come here and look in the window and see someone else living here!" Doesn't it just break your heart?!

Ok work time and loosey goosey breakfast time! The kids are liking packing week for that reason...lots of movies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that really is heart breaking to hear Hannah say that. It's such an abstract was of thinking, It's really quite sad :(

But seriously well done on your run.

You have no idea how much in love with your blogs I am. Considering you're so busy with moving and what not I never get to talk to you and/or you never have time to e-mail or really text me. We just keep missing eachother.

After my "not a date" this weekend, I haven't had anyone to talk with it about and it was the first time I really missed you I think. I mean I've always missed you, but I wanted to make you sit down in front of me and give you a back rub as I tell you all the juicy details.

I also miss that I have no idea about what's honestly going on with you move. I don't even really know where you're moving to, or how big the house is, or when the exact moving date is, or how you're doing with unpacking, or if you could get hannah into a school *head implodes*

So in short.. I miss you.

3:14 PM  

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