The Musings of Michelle

Here is my attempt to not let those little precious moments go unforgotten...

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Location: Dayton, OH, United States

As I reflect back on my life so far I have realized that I'm really just an average girl, with an average life, living with an average disease. But what I do have is an AMAZING God who continues to blow me away with His love and His grace in my life. This is my attempt at putting into writing my journey so far.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Just waiting for the hubby to cut his hair and shower before we watch American Idol and hopefully have an early bed time tonight. We've been staying up way too late and it's taking it's toll, but thanks to Hannah napping 3 hours today i got a good 1 1/2 hr nap in, so that helped.

Cali was sooo fun and refreshing and many adventures. It was so great hanging out with Matt and Tracey and thanks to Uncle Matt, an awesome girl's night out. Hannah and I took the bus a few days looking for baby swings, because the girl is obsessed. But we had a great time. And of course one of the highlights was Friday and since most of you have heard the story, the short version is that we took the wrong bus and ended up with a free balloon, 2 shiny pennies and a free ticket to Sea World! I couldn't believe this lady just gave it to us. And we had such a great time there too. Hannah loved the Sea Lions or as she calls them "see " and the dolphins and the whales. She still talks about them. And she stills asks about Uncle Matt and aunt tracey. i think you 2 were a hit! Hannah did such a great job on the plane and adjusting to the schedule. i was so proud of her and relieved!

Another victory was it only took me 3 days to get back to my routine and get organized again. it usually takes weeks, so thanks Lord!
Welp AI is starting. If Shawn doesn't get the boot tonight i may have to stop watching it. he's such a blob!
have a great week all and blog at ya later!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Getting ready to head out to Cali in just 2 1/2 days! I can't wait! I had a crazy dream the other night that I died in a plane crash which is just lovely less than a week before being on a plane. it made me a little anxious about going, but only for about an hour, now i'm over it and ready for the adventure! i've got 4 videos, toys, and suckers for hannah. hopefully that will keep her occupied for 4 hours in the plane. she's pretty laid back so i would think she would do ok, but that's what we said last time we were on a plane with her and she ended up screaming for about 20 minutes straight, which in baby scream time feels like an hour. but i think we learned our lesson from last's never too early to put in a video.

hannah's at church this morning so i get about 2 hours to get stuff done baby free which is nice and since i won't be here next monday i get to make up my day so i think i'll get some time tomorrow morning too.

welp i better make the most of the time. can't wait to see you tracey and matt and mare on friday!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Thanks for the amusing blogs Tracey and Mary. They made for some fun reading.

It's 1am and my brain is fried. I just got off the phone from a 3 hour conversation with my sister. The last half was getting her budget back in order since she's in a new place with new jobs, but i think we got her on the right track. Ryan is in tennessee with some guys from his work golfing it up until Tuesday. His boss cannot make it until Wednesday so he called Ryan and asked if he wanted to go in his place until then. Well his boss had already paid for the cabin and golf and told Ryan not to worry about paying for it, so you can't beat that deal. And then he has a training in Corbin so we won't see him until Wednesday night, but i hope he has fun.

For some reason when Ryan is gone i have a hard time going to bed. I don't consciencely worry about being alone, but I think I must worry on some subconscience level, because i ususally don't fall asleep until i'm about to pass out. Which doesn't work out so good when you have to get up early with a toddler who is ready to go.

I had the best chat with my mentor last week. She really helped me prioritize what i need to do. And she gave me the best piece of wisdom that i will pass on to you all. Of course most of you probably already do this, but for those who tend to be pefectionists like me and have that all or nothing mentality that says if i can't do something perfect i won't even start it, then you might like this. My desk is one's simply a mess and it's been so overwhelming to think about cleaning up because i know it will take at least a couple of hours and i don't have or want to spend that much consecutive time on it. So my mentor made me set a timer for 15 minutes, once in the morning and once in the afternoon and i just do what i can get done in that 15 minutes and then stop. Well within 3 days i had my desk 97% cleared. it was a great feeling. so now whenever i look at my to do list, i see what i can do in 15 minutes or less or i try and break down bigger tasks into 15 minutes or less. one thing that i keep putting off is hanging a shelf in my laundry room. so this week i am going to spend 15 minutes getting the materials together. and then one of my other 15 minutes that week will be spent hanging it. it's so simple yet so profound. anyway..hope that helps someone out there.

welp i am going to try and make myself go to sleep. have a good week all!

Friday, April 01, 2005

i don't have a whole lot to write, but since i haven't blogged in a few weeks thought i would send a short update. as most of you know we found out that we are having a boy! we are very excited about that. we've been having a hard time in the name area since the only ones we agree on are kind of down on our list of favorites, but i think we may have gotten one last night. it will be announced when finalized!

other than that, life has been pretty uneventful yet i have really been enjoying it. God has given me a real joy for my family and life this past week. i think the sunshine has helped too. i took hannah to this playground on tuesday and it was our first day of good weather in a long time and as she was swinging, she just all of sudden folded her hands and bowed her head. she wanted to pray to God. it was so incredible to see God working on this little girl even at this young age. so we thanked Jesus for the weather and for swings. it definitely made my week!

i met with my mentor last night and we are working on a get michelle organized and into a routine plan. it's not a very exciting goal, but one that will hopefully make life a little less chaotic and a little more productive.

well that's all the real exciting news i have for now. this weekend will be relaxing i hope. i was supposed to drive 5 hours to Toledo to go to a baby shower for my friend Carly who lives in minnesota, but thankfully she's coming down to cincinnati next week so i will see her then.

have a great weekend all. 12 days and couting before i'll be in sunny cali! :)